If you would like to edit an article you see on Wikipedia it's very simple. Just click the Edit button on the article page, make the changes that you wish to make and click the OK button. Some articles may be unavailable for edit by new users or in some cases by all users. Remember that any changes you make will be viewable by anyone on the web, so use good manners when editing anything. Intentionally putting misinformation or vandalizing the articles will get your account banned from the website and you won't be able to edit any more articles. Wikipedia is edited for vandalism and correctness but in a project like Wikipedia, it is important for the users themselves to help keep the site running well and informing accurately.

Remember, when you create a new article on a subject you will want to research the subject thoroughly to ensure all your information is accurate. Avoid creating content that could be offensive to people, out of politeness, as well as the fact that there is no age limit on who can use Wikipedia. There are young children that search Wikipedia and could be influenced by the information you provide if you're not careful. But knowing these options, you should be able to log on to Wikipedia and use it not only to provide yourself with information, but to help others learn as well.


Wikipedia website

Wiktionary website

Wikibooks website

Wikinews website