There is a NASCAR race every weekend during the season from February to November. And chances are, your local tavern or sports bar will have that race on, and there will be NASCAR fans cheering their favorite racers. Why not saddle up to the bar, order some social lubrication, and start chatting with a fan. You'll get true, blunt insights into the sport, and have fun doing it.

Become a Bookworm

The best way to learn the details and intricacies of any sport, including NASCAR, is to read books on the topic. Your local library or bookstore will be full of NASCAR related books and materials. Browse through the sports section and see what you can find, and try to get a variety of reading materials. You should read at least one book on the general rules and regulations of the sport to learn how everything works. With individual races, the point system and overall standings, things can become confusing if you lack a general grasp on these rules. You should also get some books on the history of the sport. NASCAR may seem like it just became popular overnight, but in fact it has a long history that every true fan should know. Finally, one must read about the racers. Most of the top racers in the sport will have at least one book devoted to them and their life. This is also an easy way to pick a favorite driver, which makes following the sport all the more easier and enjoyable.