When searching for a job, most people comb the classified ads, or look for help wanted signs in the windows of businesses. Some people even send their resumes out to several companies blindly and hope to hear from them. If you are searching for a job, perhaps it's time to try an online job search engine. Job search engines are search engines that are tailored specifically for job hunters and employers, to allow them to see all kinds of classified ads and to allow job seekers to post a resume in hopes of an employer reading it. But which ones are good, and how do you decide which to use?


Not everybody wants to be a fireman or a scientist. Deciding what you want to do for a living not only makes your search for a good job search engine a little easier, your active decision to pursue a chosen field means you are far more likely to wind up with a job you love, rather than a job that you put up with. You don't have to find exactly what you want right away, but when you're looking for a specialty job search engine, you will want to know what you're looking for.

Not sure what you want to do? Here is a great site for a career assessment: http://www.livecareer.com/

To begin searching for a job search engine, log onto the Internet. A good way to begin your search is to try a broader search engine, such as Google or Yahoo. Put job search engine into the search field and see if it brings up anything useful. Now you have a list of the names of job search engines. Some of these you may have heard of, and some you may not recognize, but the important thing is that they offer job advertisements. A search like this on Google will yield a lot of the big name ones, such as companies like Career Builder or Monster.com, but don't ignore the smaller companies as well, simply because they may have job listings that the larger sites may not have.