These things aren't necessary, but they make learning Spanish a lot easier. And they usually cost a little bit more, too.

One-on-one instruction

People learn better when they are given focused attention from an instructor. When you are learning Spanish, having an instructor spend the extra time just with you to get your R's exactly right or to work on your accent makes the difference between understanding a language and mastering a language. There are some tutorial websites online, such as:

NuLengua is a website where you have to pay for one on one instruction, but it is with a native speaker.

Lingua Web is another pay website, but it offers some free downloads like Spanish verb PDFs.

Study abroad

A course that offers a chance to study abroad in Mexico or Cuba or even in Andalusia offers students a chance to develop their skills in the culture that produced the language. This immersion in the rhythms of Spanish life can profoundly accelerate the development of basic language skills as well as promote the understanding of subtle linguistic features of Spanish. You might want to check out websites that offer the opportunity to study abroad. The site Studiesabroad.com offers courses in several countries that speak Spanish including Mexico and Spain.

Educational trips

Essentially a short study abroad, an educational trip is a great final exam for students who have done some work with the Spanish language. Like study abroad a short visit to Mexico City, Barcelona or Rio de Janeiro lets the student experience the Spanish language within the context of Spanish culture.

Other websites that offer studies abroad in Spanish-speaking countries are:

Spanish Abroad - Offers courses for teens, families and teachers.

Study-Spanish.org - This site has pictures and operates in its own schools in Spain.

Language Schools - Offering not only courses, this site offers degrees when studying abroad.