If you want to start investing in savings bonds it is best to get advice from experts first. Finding a good website where you can get information on savings bond investment is essential if you want to be a smart investor. There are plenty of investment websites for you to visit and compare the tips and strategies they offer.

The Consumer Action website offers general investing tips to help the new investor make smart decisions.

About.com has a few good articles covering US Savings Bonds investing.

Go right to the source. Visit the website for US Savings bonds to get the best information on investing.

Be a smart investor. Investing in savings bonds is a long term investment with relatively low return compared to other forms of investments. If you're looking to make millions from investing you should probably look elsewhere.

Use savings bonds as a retirement supplement. Savings bonds will give you a cushion to use with your retirement fund or your 401K.

Match your stock investments with savings bonds. Matching your stock investments can give you the peace of mind that even if the market crashes, you won't lose everything.

Purchase savings bonds for your children's education. Planning for your childrens' education is a big decision. Savings bonds offer the security that your money will be there and the freedom from taxes when used for education.

Be in it for the long haul. Everyone remembers getting savings bonds from their relatives as birthday or Christmas presents. You may also remember cashing them in for face value to buy that mountain bike or video game system. The only way to make money with savings bonds is to stick it out until they reach final maturity.


US Savings bonds