You may think the interview is over when you walk out the door. Fool. The interview is over when someone (hopefully you) has the job. If you handle the follow-up correctly, the chances of that someone being you will increase dramatically.

Send a thank-you letter

The very day of the interview - not the next day or the day after that - send out a thank you letter to your interviewer. The letter should be a simple note thanking that person for taking the time to meet you, saying how much you enjoyed your discussion, and how much you'd like to join the team. It doesn't hurt to add a personalized sentence such as: Your explanation of the company's _________ increased my interest in the position. Whatever your own personal style may be, make sure to say, "thanks for meeting with me and imparting your wisdom." And make sure to have it in the mail ASAP so it is sitting on your interviewer's desk when he/she sits down to make a decision. Also, remember to send a note to everyone who gave you a formal interview, not just to one person. A group of people that want you can hold sway.

While tech-heads and tree-huggers will make a case for sending an email or e-card in place of a snail mail letter, we suggest that you send it the old-fashioned way. A tangible letter will appear more personal, and - especially if your interviewer has a cluttered desk - will serve as a constant reminder that you're there and waiting. With an email, the probability is high that it will be glanced at and forgotten. Or, if it's really pathetically written, forwarded to all the interviewer's friends with the following subject line: "Get a load of this lame-ass thank you note I got."

Make a follow-up phone call

If you haven't heard anything after a week, CALL THEM. No one wants to be a nuisance, but a little perseverance never hurt anyone either. A friendly phone call after a week tells the employer that you are truly interested. The call will serve to remind the company about the incredible interviewee they don't want to let go. You can also ask (in a polite fashion) in about how long they'll be making their decision. If that date passes and you still haven't heard anything, call again. It's not being pushy, it's being persistant. Pushiness is bad, but persistence is good.

We've given you many tips on what you should do to blow that employer out of the water. But for a funny example of what you shouldn't do, check out the article at Cracked.com How To Ace Your First Job Interview.