Proper yoga class etiquette is pretty obvious: Turn off your cell phone before entering the room or else everyone will hate you and you will never be welcome in class again. Also, wear clothes that are loose-fitting enough so if you need to do a split, your pants won't rip, and make sure to wear shorts that stick to your body enough so that you won't, um, embarrass yourself in certain positions (this cannot be undervalued). Wear tops that can be tucked in (or sports bras, for women, or men, hey, whatever makes you feel good) so that if you do an inversion (headstand, etc.) your shirt will not float over your head.

Generally, try not to call out in class and DO NOT have conversations with your neighbor. The attitude in yoga class is quiet and respectful, so do not waltz in and go, "Oh my God! Your shirt with the little 'Om' symbol is sooo cool!" Also, while deep breathing is encouraged, avoid humming to yourself, as this can be way distracting to others.

We recommend you bring a handkerchief (certain breathing exercises might make you want to blow your nose), and some water in a bottle. If you are taking a Power yoga class, make sure to wear as little as possible, as you are certain to feel heated up within minutes.

Do not wear shoes or socks (the better to center yourself and feel the "earth" beneath), and try to not have stinky feet. Do not eat for at least and hour and a half before class, or you may regret it. And if you have long hair, tie it back or it will fall in your face and blind you, and you will spend the whole class falling down.

Typically, a yoga teacher will have the students recite "Om" at the beginning and end of class. So when your teacher starts to Om, either join in immediately or wait until a couple of others begin if you're shy, and then let it rip. Your voice is important; it contributes to the energy in the room, and nobody cares if you know how to sing.