The world of roll-your-own, and the corresponding equipment, is divided up along these lines: Really rolling your own and Using a cigarette machine.

Really rolling your own

This is what people generally think of when they hear of rolling cigarettes, and it is both cheap and cool. To do this you require only manual dexterity (i.e. less than ten thumbs), cigarette papers and tobacco. If you're unbelievably cool, you could even try rolling with one hand. However, many people actually like the idea of having a filter, like grandmothers. For those folks, using a cigarette machine might be a better alternative.

Using a cigarette machine

Many people are not even aware that this option exists, but there are machines which allow you to make cigarettes with ordinary tobacco and cigarette tubes, which are exactly the same as those used with commercially-produced cigarettes. The tubes are, however, empty, and you have to use a little machine-dealie to fill them up. The advantage of this is that it gives you a smoke with a filter (you knowfor those who are weak ) which looks and smokes much like a store-bought smoke but at a much lower price. The disadvantages are that it is not cool, and cowboys, John Travolta and James Dean would all look upon you, crouched over the kitchen table with a red plastic gadget, with extreme scorn.