It's really hard. . .

If you're feeling like a real superstar, you can try to move on from the skills you've learned from rolling your own cigarettes with two hands and roll with one hand. Please note that this is extremely difficult. We have rolled more cigarettes than you've had hot dinners and we have never rolled a cigarette with one hand without it looking quite shabby. It can, however, be done, and we have seen it done well by people with yet more practice and a very nimble thumb.

. . .but here's how it's done

The nimble thumb is what it comes down to, really. You will proceed in much the same manner as you would with two hands, only the four fingers, pointing straight up, form the support against which the far side (with the glue strip) rests, and you do the rolling with only the thumb on that hand. What makes it difficult is that the thumb has a limited range of motion on some parts of the cigarette, so those parts will be more difficult to keep even. Just try it and you'll see what we mean. When you've rolled up the cylinder of tobacco as best you can, try to get as much of your thumb as possible to rest parallel along the length of the paper, fold the near edge under the paper as you would with two hands, and then try to roll it up with just the side of your one thumb. Once you get it rolled up, just lick the glue, seal it and light it. Your attempts at this procedure will, at the very least, provide much amusement for onlookers, even if it doesn't produce any usable cigarettes right away. If you can do it, though, it is extremely cool, so it might be worth your while to practice it.