We admit it: we gave this step a saucy title to get you to continue reading this SYW. Nonetheless, any good massage requires you to apply a small amount of lubricant to keep your recipient's skin from rubbing and kneading, so that the pressure can be applied to the muscles underneath the skin. You have roughly 4 options for lubrication:

  • Vegetable oil: Yes, you can use just about any vegetable oil as massage oil. Don't get anything fancy; just yank down that crusty utility jug of Mazola and dip your fingers in. However, cooking oils can have a slightly food-y odor (imagine that!) that some people find offensive.

  • Talcum powder: Talcum powder doesn't work as well as oils because it absorbs less friction. However, some people really hate the feeling of having oil or other sticky stuff on their skin. Any talc will work fine.

  • Water-based lubricants: Water-based lubricants are not always useful for massage. They are expensive and extremely sticky when they dry. KY Jelly, for example, dries quite quickly when exposed to air and is not of much help as a massage lubricant. KY Liquid, Astroglide, or other slicker lubricants dry more slowly and absorb more friction, so they are better choices. One note: if you plan (or hope) to have sex after the massage, you should using a water-based lubricant because the oils on the skin will make your condom more likely to break.

  • Massage oil: While you might not have massage oil sitting around your home like you would the other three options, it is the best lubricant to use. You can purchase scented or unscented oil. You can also buy oil-based scented massage bars that look like big pieces of fudge. Rub them on the hands or skin and they grease you up and smell real good.

To apply, place a small amount of lubricant in your hands and gently rub it on your recipient's back, shoulders, and lower neck. Don't get everything too wet and drippy (if the oil drips doen the side of his/her back, it might stain the surface on which the recipient is laying). If you are using oil or water-based lubricants, make sure you warm them up in your hands before you apply them to the victim's skin; cold oil on skin is not relaxing.