What categories should I use for describing my achievements?
Education (put your GPA here), employment, activities (and leadership positions within those activities), honors (awards, etc.), and skills (foreign languages, computer proficiency, etc.)

Should I use the same resume for every job?
No. Tailor your resume to match what you think the company is looking for.

How should I order the information in my resume?
Put the most important or impressive things on top, so employers will notice them right away.

How should I phrase the entries in my resume?
Always use action-oriented sentences. Never say what your responsibilities were; instead, say what you did.

How detailed should I be?
Be as detailed as possible without getting wordy. Details will make your resume more memorable and more credible.

How worried should I be about my resume looking sparse?
Don't be concerned; less is often more. A few terse but impressive entries is easier to read and has more impact than a long, wordy resume.

How should my name appear?
Your name should stand out. Use all capital lettering or bold font if necessary.

Should I indicate my gender?
Yes. If your first name is gender specific, then you're fine. If not, add your middle name if it clarifies or put in "Mr." Or "Ms.".

Should I provide references?
No, but put "References available upon request" on the bottom. Make sure to bring hard copies of reference letters to your interview.

What sort of typeface should I use?
Feel free to underline, italicize, or put in bold any particularly important items. Be consistent, so it looks like you're not making any mistakes.

SoYouWanna know more? Check out our full-length article SoYouWanna write an impressive resume?