How many people should there be at the sance?
At least three. Some people favor numbers of people that are divisible by three, but you can break that rule if you'd like.

Can I invite children to the sance?
Not a good idea. Kids can be disruptive and often get frightened easily.

Is there a maximum number of people that I can invite?
The only real constraint here is space-don't invite more people than the space can comfortably hold.

What materials do I need to hold a sance?
You will need a table, candles, incense, music, and, optionally, a tape or video recorder.

What sort of music should I play?
Meditation or New Age music are ideal, but anything soothing will be fine.

Can I call upon any spirit that I choose?
No. Once spirits have been dead for a while they become less responsive a more irritable. It's best to call on someone who has been dead for less than ten years.

Does the sance need a leader?
Yes; a medium, who will act as a leader, should be chosen beforehand. There are professional mediums, but anyone who has been to a sance before should be up to the job.

How do I begin the sance?
Pass around and light the candles, turn out the lights, and have in participant breath slowly and deeply to get themselves in the right state of mind for summoning the spirit.

How do I summon the spirit?
All of the participants should chant together the words "Our beloved [name of spirit], we ask that you commune with us and move among us" until there is a response.

What do I do if the spirit is creepy or unruly?
Tell the spirit to go in peace and then end the sance by breaking the circle of hands, blowing out the candles and turning on the lights.

SoYouWanna know more? Check out our full-length article SoYouWanna hold a seance?