So now you have ten (we hope) beautiful nails, and you'll want to keep them that way. Renew your topcoat of polish every two to three days. When doing any work, don't use your nails as a tool, but rather use your finger pads. If you want your manicure to last, you shouldn't use your nails to pry batteries out of the remote control, or loosen screws, or pick food out of your teeth.

You'll eventually have to re-do your manicure, but don't do it more than once a week, as nail polisher remover is very drying to the skin. Keep your hands in good shape by moisturizing whenever you wash them, and protecting them from harsh chemicals or cold weather by wearing gloves. Watch out for nail infections, looking out for such symptoms:

  • thick skin around the cuticle
  • discolored nails that are not stained from dark polish
  • in yucky advanced stages of infection, spongy, mushy nails

If you experience any of these symptoms, get thee to a doctor soon, as your nails are not happy with you.

And now go show off your glorious digits! Take up piano, hand modeling, or a crazy Valley Girl dialect that has your waving your hands all over the place. Don't let us catch you hiding your hands in your pockets!

Need some links? Here are a few:

"Urban Decay" web page